Refund Issues
Please check the following things before you contact us
Firstly please check the confirmation email you were sent when you applied for your refund, make sure to check your spam folder as well, make sure all the details you submitted are correct. AWOP is not responsible for incorrectly submitted information.
After the refund period has closed, unclaimed funds are passed back to the event, please contact us if it has been less than a week since refunds closed and we may be able to help you. After that period please contact the event you attended.
Common Issues:
I have incorrectly submitted my Chip Number?
Please just resubmit your refund application, the correct chip number can only be processed once.
I have incorrectly submitted my Bank Number?
Please contact us below. Provide us with the correct number so that we can amend your application. Do not apply a second time as this will not resolve the payment. Please note if you contact us after the refunds have been processed there is a $2 fee to cover the cost of manually re-submitting it.
When do I get my money?
Refunds are processed on a THURSDAY (unless otherwise stated on application form). You should see it in your account on Friday, depending on your bank it can take until Saturday. Please contact us if you still can not see your refund on Saturday 5pm.
I missed the refund period, how do I get my money?
After the refund period closes all remaining funds are handed back to the event. After this date we no longer hold your funds and you will need to contact the event directly. Each event has different policies when it comes to refunds after the shut off date. Hint: Apply for your refund as soon as you arrive at the event. It will be logged and ready to be returned to you the following week. If you have missed the cutoff by more than 1 week, please contact the event you attended.
I lost my chip, is there anyway I can get my refund?
In some lucky cases, yes. Some events record your chip number against your ticket. Please contact us and we will try our best to find the chip number for you. We can not guarantee this as it is only possible for events that have your chip on record. Please contact us before the refund period is closed. There is a $5 success charge to try to find your chip number and we will need some details about what you loaded and spent.
I can't find my refund money and all my submitted details were correct?
Contact us using the form below. We will track back your application and payment.

Please note this is NOT an application for a refund. This is a contact form to troubleshoot any concerns you may have.